Average Joe

Estate Planning for the Average Joe

January 18, 20242 min read

Hey there, Average Joe or Jane! Ever thought that estate planning is just for the super-rich? Think again! It’s a crucial step for everyone, and I’m here to walk you through the process. Whether you’ve got a modest savings account or a treasure trove of collectibles, understanding the basics of estate planning is key to ensuring your hard-earned assets are handled just the way you want when you bid adieu to this world. Let’s dive in and unravel the mystery of estate planning for the regular folks!

The Basics of Estate Planning: What You Need to Know!

Understanding the Essentials

  • What’s Estate Planning? Simply put, it’s about deciding who gets what when you're no longer around. It involves wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and more.

  • Why Bother? Without a plan, state laws dictate who inherits your assets. Want your estranged cousin twice removed to inherit your prized guitar? Didn’t think so.

Key Components

  1. Will: Your last testament, laying out who gets your stuff.

  2. Trust: A fancy way to manage and distribute your assets.

  3. Power of Attorney: Designates someone to handle your affairs if you’re unable to.

Estate Planning for the Average Joe: Making it Simple

Start with the Will

  • The Nitty-Gritty: List out your assets and decide who gets what. Don’t forget digital assets like your social media accounts!

  • Choose an Executor: This is the person who’ll ensure your will is followed to a T.

Considering a Trust

  • Why a Trust? It can bypass the lengthy probate process and keep things private.

  • Types of Trusts: From revocable to irrevocable, choose what suits your situation.

Power of Attorney: A Must-Have

  • Financial Affairs: Appoint someone trustworthy to handle your finances if you can’t.

  • Healthcare Directives: Ensure your health decisions are in good hands.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Don’t Forget the Details

  • Beneficiary Designations: Regularly update your life insurance and retirement accounts.

  • Guardianship for Kids: If you have children, naming a guardian is crucial.

Keeping it Updated

  • Life Changes: Update your plan with major life events like marriage or the birth of a child.

  • Regular Reviews: Check your plan every few years or after significant legal changes.

FAQs: Estate Planning Made Clear

  1. Is estate planning expensive? Not necessarily. Basic plans can be quite affordable.

  2. Do I need a lawyer? For complex cases, yes. Otherwise, there are DIY options.

  3. What happens if I don’t have a plan? Your assets will be distributed according to state laws, not your wishes.


So, there you have it, folks – estate planning for the average Joe or Jane isn’t as daunting as it sounds. It’s about taking control of your assets and ensuring they end up where you want. Remember, it’s not just for the wealthy; it’s for everyone. Start small, keep it updated, and rest easy knowing your legacy is in good hands. Now go forth and plan!

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Paul Lewis, CFP®,CWS®

Paul Lewis is a Financial Planner and Wealth Manager for Lewis Wealth Management Group and has worked in the financial services business since 1981. He opened his own branch office in Champaign in 1988. He earned his CFP® (Certified Financial Planner) designation in 1989 and his CWS (Certified Wealth Strategist) designation in 2009. Paul focuses on assisting families simplify their financial affairs and portfolio management. Before entering the business world, Paul served in the United States Marine Corps for 5 years. During his time in the Marine Corps, Paul was decorated with the Defense Meritorious Service Medal and the P.O.W. medal. Paul received his BS in Economics from the University of Illinois. He is now a life member of the University of Illinois Alumni Association and was a sixteen year member of the Unit 7 School Board of Education. He remains very active in numerous local organizations. When not working, Paul enjoys spending time with his wife Kristi. They have two grown children, Nate and Nick. He also has two grandsons Camden and Crew.

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